Embedded Insurance Decision Tree: Get to Know Your (Digital) Path to Sales and Scalability

How you should approach embedded insurance depends on your starting point. If you're doing business as we’re living in the Stone Age, we have to be honest: “You’re doomed, Fred Flintstone!” If not, there’s hope. Therefore, we've made a decision tree to help outline your embedded insurance decision path that guides you to sales and scalability.
2021 was the year when embedded insurance was the star of the show in the industry. What happens in 2022 will decide who gets the point of the concept. And who doesn’t.
2023 and ahead will show who can profit from the channel. And who stays in the buzz.
Skip the intro (if you don't have a sense of humour) and go straight to the decision tree
As you know, results take action. And action takes decision-making. To help you make the right decisions, we started off wanting to make predictions for 2022 (who said lemming effect?). Skipped that one.
Then thought of some sort of an embedded insurance compass in case you get lost (or want to work remotely from the sea someday).
Then Simon said “Vogue!”. Don’t remember why.
But he had a point. And made us think “of course!”. Cause we’ve all tried one of those ‘tell me about me’ magazine tests to find out “What do my socks say about me?”, “Is my partner cheating on me?”, or “Should I lose weight?”.
On the basis of all your answers, the test will at the end conclude that 1) You’re a freak, 2) No (phew!), and 3) How the heck should we know? We’re not nutritionists (but like to pretend to, though).
Then, we thought, hey, why don’t we build a decision tree for decision-makers to help them take the right next steps for starting or not starting profiting from digital embedded insurance distribution.
So we did. And now present to you: The first, the only, the best(?) digital embedded decision tree, which can help you define the actions you need to take now to profit from digital embedded insurance in 2023.
With this decision tree, we want to support you in taking your endeavour to the next level. You know, the level that’ll make Shania Twain say “Ka-Ching!”. And we hope that it’ll save you the €25(0),000 bill that the management consultancies will send you (and makes you sweat and/or cry like Niagara Falls).
OK, then… Vamos! To kick it all off, we want you to answer this question: What risk do you cover/who are you selling to?
Disclaimer: We’re not insurance Gods (obviously) and don’t have all the right answers for you. But the ones we have are good and can:
- Kickstart your development of GWP growth.
- Cut down your acquisition costs - without touching your underwriting.
- Improve your customer and partner experience, happiness, and loyalty.
- Stop you and the team from wasting resources if the three above don’t align with your strategic goals for the next 2-3 years.
Special thanks to our experts Simon Bentholm & Esben Seyffart Sørensen.